Market regulator Securities and Alternate Board of India (SEBI) has permitted the appointment of Pramod Agrawal because the chairman and public curiosity director of Bombay Inventory Alternate (BSE), the bourse stated in an trade submitting. SEBI’s stamp of approval comes after the BSE’s board permitted Agrawal’s appointment on December 13.
BSE stated in an trade submitting, “We hereby inform that, the time period of Shri S.S Mundra, Chairman and Public Curiosity Director can be ending on January 16, 2024, on this regard, the Board at its assembly held on December 13, 2023, thought of and permitted the appointment of Shri Pramod Agrawal, Public Curiosity Director because the Chairman of the Governing Board, topic to approval of the Securities and Alternate Board of India (“SEBI”).”
Additional, it knowledgeable of SEBI’s approval by way of the trade submitting, and stated, “SEBI vide letter No. SEBI/HO/MRD/RAC2/P/OW/2023/51098/1 dated December 19, 2023 (obtained at present i.e. December 20, 2023) has granted its approval for appointment of Shri Pramod Agrawal as Chairman on the Governing Board the Firm with impact from January 17, 2024.”
Agrawal can be taking up from SS Mundra on January 17, 2024.
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